Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell
ACGME ID: 1803500156
NRMP Program Code: 1515180A0

Our program offers a wide variety of didactics ranging from small group bedside teaching to Grand Rounds involving multiple departments. Our conferences are designed to provide a broad and comprehensive overview of neurology while introducing select advanced topics in contemporary practice.
Residents, students, and faculty attend daily morning reports at each training site to discuss patients presenting to the inpatient service overnight, with an emphasis on high-yield, practical teaching points.
Teaching rounds are held at each site conducted by senior faculty with emphasis on detailed case presentation, localization and formulating a differential diagnosis. Residents and students will learn to hone their diagnostic skills in a structured and consistent manner through the socratic method.
This is a formal lecture series that spans the breadth of neurology and all its subspecialties and designed to provide a comprehensive base of knowledge for residents during their 3 years of training. Lectures are provided by experienced faculty and range from basic topics in neurology to subspecialty advanced topics.
Grand rounds are CME conferences held weekly featuring faculty speakers and invited speakers on selected topics of interest in neurology. All residents, faculty and clinical staff are invited to attend and conferences are broadcast between SIUH and LHH as well as other participating Northwell sites.
Neuroscience Multidisciplinary Rounds are held in conjunction with our colleagues in Neuroradiology and Neurosurgery. Patients admitted to the neuroscience services with interesting and challenging radiologic findings and/or presentations are discussed and reviewed in-depth with residents, fellows and team members to help foster medical knowledge and improve patient care through collaboration.
Neurovascular rounds are led by our neurovascular faculty members at Lenox Hill Hospital and Staten Island University Hospital in addition to affiliated Northwell sites. Stroke specialists, neurointerventionists, residents, fellows and advanced care practitioners review interesting and challenging presentations of patients with acute neurovascular disease.
Quality improvement is a mainstay of current practice and plays an essential role in the continued development of physicians during training and beyond. Conferences are held monthly and are attended by the faculty, all residents, advanced care practitioners and departmental leadership to discuss performance improvement and review projects conducted by the department. Relevant patient management issues are also reviewed in a constructive and educational setting. Residents will have an active role in these conferences presenting quality improvement projects and case reviews.
Journal Clubs are held monthly and are led by residents with faculty supervision. The role of journal club is to review the most relevant current literature on a predetermined field of study, and more importantly to dissect the content of the journal item including design, methodology and interpretation. The focus is to develop the resident's critical approach to assessing the quality and relevance of publications independently. Journal clubs are held with support and involvement from our biostatistics team.
Clinical Case Presentations are resident-led conferences in with an emphasis on the presentation of an interesting case and the diagnostic process followed by a review of current medical knowledge with a review of the literature. The goal is to hone their research, writing and presentation skills during these conferences while also educating colleagues and faculty members.
The Neuroanatomy Series is a resident-led lecture series held bi-weekly designed to supplement resident education in neuroanatomy with case-based review to foster a deeper understanding of clinical neurology and improve localization abilities.
This conference series is held throughout the year on a bi-weekly basis and involves resident led discussions and review of Residency In-training Exam questions and topics. This series is designed to help residents prepare for the annual RITE and for their board certification examination beyond.
This lecture series takes place several times throughout the year focusing on the contemporary practice of neurology and medicine in general. The broad range of topics include diversity in medicine, bioethics case review, women in medicine, navigating resident and attending finances, bias and barriers to healthcare and various other topics of interest.
Here's our latest schedule of weekly conferences.